Post Feedback
I wrote a voice over for the intro of my video, as when I recieved feedback it was suggested that the beginning was too long with Carmen...
Peer Evaluation
In our lesson we watched everyone's videos and wrote how their video was relevant to the target audience and how the video used technical...
I uploaded all the footage that had been filmed and edited in Final Cut roughly in my frees on Thursday to make sure everything had been...
Filming: Day 3
When I tried to book out the conference room, they were all booked up so during my media lesson I had to look around for a room that...
Filming: Day 2
After uploading and re watching my footage, I decided to make a checklist of everything I needed to make sure I had before re filming....
Filming: Day 1
I decided to start filming so that I would have more time to edit later and gain feedback. I filmed the main part of the interview in the...
I started planning the start of my YPemployment video. The previous Friday I came up with a shotlist and script for my video. During...