Kiya Persad
AS Media Production and Communication
Videos related to brief CV Tips stand out right reason social media Job interview Email address body language
Articles related to brief
Title: 10 Interviewing Rules
Author: Carole Martin, Monster Contributing Writer
Summary: Break down of ways to help you prepare yourself for interviews.
1. Do Your Research
2. Look Sharp
3. Be Prepared
4. Be on Time
5. Show Enthusiasm
6. Listen
7. Answer the Question Asked
8. Give Specific Examples
9. Ask Questions
10. Follow Up.
With each of these subheadings, there is a little summary going into detail about how to carry out these actions.
Title: Job Interviewing Do’s and Don’ts for Job-Seekers
Author: Randall S. Hansen, Ph.D.
Summary: A list of do’s and don’ts to help you in your job interview, both for preparation, the job interview itself, and staying in touch afterwards. For example, do prepare and practice for the interview, but don’t memorize or over-rehearse your answers.
Title: Body Language Can Make or Break a Job Interview
Author: Robert Ordona
Summary: Subheadings such as making a great entrance and first impressions. Then after each heading is a short explanation to give detail on how these things can be carried out in interviews, with enough detail to