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  • Clear structure

  • Well described of your idea

  • Clear knowledge of primary audience

  • Good wider knowledge of topic

  • Wide appeal

  • Good unique purpose

  • Detailed history

  • Good research

  • Visually appealing

  • Interviews lined up

  • Creative, visual idea

  • Superb opportunities for visuals

  • Great promotion strategies


  • May not appeal to a wide audience

  • Is graffiti already accepted as an art form?


  • Graffiti in Tooting and Streatham is interesting

  • Archive footage of headlines about street art/graffiti

  • Footage of artists spray painting on a canvas

  • Archive footage of street art

  • Schools – is it taught as art?

  • Galleries – is it exhibited as art?


  • A lot of legal issues could come into play e.g. filming people tagging

  • Will be difficult to contact street artists other than personal contacts

  • Costing of going on BBC Three and YouTube

  • Will police just have a standard statement on the issue


Write a summary of what you’ve taken from the feedback and how this has affected your idea (at least 350 words)

One of the strengths of my final idea include that I have my interviews lined up so I will make sure to use these people in my final interviews and not change who I will interview. These include the graffiti artist, which I will interview to gain insight on his view as someone that spray paints, and the police officer, that I will interview to gain an idea on the authorities’ view. One weakness was that graffiti might already be accepted as an art form. This means that I will make sure to show both sides, as my idea is to explore whether it is seen as art or vandalism. A threat of my documentary is that the policeman I interview may have a standard statement on the issue. However, to combat this, I will make sure that I ask more open questions on the issue to get a wider view. Another opportunity of my documentary is that I could look into getting archive footage of headlines about street art/graffiti. This made we want to look into gaining archive footage of graffiti in the media or archive footage of graffiti itself and use it in cutaways. However, I may not need to use this footage as there is a lot of cutaways that I have planned on taking in different areas around London, including Streatham and Shoreditch. This would also link to an opportunity suggested to me that I should film in Streatham as it has a range of interesting graffiti. Another strength of my idea is that it is visually appealing. This means that I’ll make sure to keep all of the cutaways that I planned to put in, as they are appealing to my audience. Another threat of my final idea is that legal issues could come up if I use footage of people tagging. However, to combat this I will make sure that I keep their identity safe by blurring their faces so that they cannot be prosecuted. I have also planned to film the graffiti artist in the school so that they are not vandalizing any public property. I have also combated this issue as well by getting them to spray pain on a piece of paper stuck to the wall so that they do not spray paint on school property. Furthermore, I will make sure that the artist does not spray their tag and instead uses the paint to draw outlines; this is so that they cannot be prosecuted for their tag.

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