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Based on 21 shoot days and 14 editing days


Expenses, Price, days, total, comments




Producer - $600 – $2000 a week

Director – same rate as producer

Writer - $300 - $400 a day

Director of photography/Camera person - $350 - $500 for a 10 hr day

Sound recordist - $350 - $400 for a 10 hr day

Location manager - $350 - $450 10 hr day

Gaffer/key grip - $350 - $450 10 hr day

Editor - $1,800 – 2200 a week

Doc grip and lighting package - $75 - $100




DVCAM or Mini-DV Camcorder package w/tripod - $150 - $250

Final Cut Pro - $1000 - $1600 a week




Music – pre recorded library music - $200 - $300 per cue depending on rights

Graphics - $1500 - $2000

Legal - $450 - $1500 – Want legal so that talent cannot be prosecuted.

The total cost of my documentary is £39,318.

These costs cover my editing, camera and sound equipment as well as the people involved in creating my documentary. I have been able to cut costs. For example, I would not need an assistant producer or director as I would take on both roles.


I would fund my documentary through Kickstarter. This is because Kickstarter is a project that helps both big and small films which I feel would be the most relevant of funding support to get for my documentary.

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