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Which Idea I Am Taking Forward and Why?


I am taking forward idea 1, Street Art: Vandalism or Art,  as it the one that I am most passionate about and have personal relations to the topic, which will make it easier for me to make it engaging. I feel most passionate about this as I have an interest in art and have a personal knowledge of street art as my father used to do spray painting in art.

As a result of my connections, I know it would be easier for me to film this idea rather than my other ideas, such as why is dieting so popular, as I do not have the personal contacts that can be easily accessed. Also, from my peer feedback and SWOTS, this idea had the most strengths and least weaknesses. This shows that my target audience will like my idea and it means that it will also appeal to others and not just me. For example, some strengths include that the documentary would have ‘great visuals’ and it is ‘well thought out and detailed’. As it is a topic on art, it is vital that it has a lot of visuals, not just to keep the audience interested, but also to be relevant to the topic. This shows that the idea I am taking forward is practical in that I will be able to film lots of cutaways and relate it to the theme of the documentary. These cutaways will also add to the imaginativeness of the documentary. This is because I can be creative in the way I film the cutaways through using panning and different shot types. I can also use face paced editing to keep the viewer interested and entertained. Some weaknesses of my idea were that the idea may be ‘too specific to London’ as that’s where I will be filming. I could adapt this idea by showing my cutaways and footage in a more general light so that it is not specifically London. Another threat was that my idea might cause people to people to become prosecuted if I am filming them spraying whilst I interview. To combat this I could use a place, such as an art room or a wall in a space that I will be able to use, so that it is legal for them to spray there. Another strength was that I have my interviews thought out already. However, a weakness of this was that the company ‘positive art’ might not reliable. To adapt to this I could research other mural or graffiti companies to get their expert view. I also didn’t take forward idea 2, even though I have connections to expert technicians, the feedback tells me that a possible weakness of my idea would be that it has a very niche audience, which could be too nice. However, my idea on street art has a wider audience as it relates to both genders and all races, as well as a broad age range. This allows my documentary to become more relatable for my audience as it effects a wider audience and I can incorporate more into my documentary. Other topics that I could have taken forward included looking at how female technicians in the music industry are viewed differently to male technicians. Although I gained some strengths from my audience feedback, such as having relevant contacts to interview and challenging the stereotype, there were many threats. These threats included that the idea was not very original and that it may be hard to interview people as they will be very busy. Another threat would have been that I wouldn't have had enough people to interview. For these reasons, I chose not to take this idea forward. Another idea I didn't take forward was my third idea of taking someone's phone for 24 hours and seeing how they coped. Although from the audience feedback I found out that people thought this would be a unique topic and it would be a good social experiment, there were many threats and weaknesses. For example, one weakness was that it may be difficult to find someone willing and that it may not be visually appealing as it would just be looking into someone's life. Another weakness was that it may take too much time to edit as I would have to take 24 hours of footage and then edit it into 5-10 minutes, which may mean I do not get to include all the engaging content. Finally, my final initial idea that I chose to not take forward looked at dieting and why it is so popular. Some strengths of this idea were that it is a current issue and it would be an interesting and educational documentary. However, some weaknesses included that it may be boring for my target audience and that many people may not want to discuss their diets or any weight issues they have. Furthermore, I did not have any definite experts or people that I would interview, compared to the idea of graffiti, where I already knew who I would interview and that they would be willing. 

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